Tours Booking Portal

The best tours booking portal which provide complete solutions for creating and managing online tours and packages. The portal offers features like full level admin management, creation of B2B, B2B2B, B2B2C, white labels, agents and sub agents, responsive design, advanced payment management system and so on. We also offer customized services for your changing requirements. You can easily maximize your revenues and get more confirmed bookings with our advanced technology and tools.

With our portal you can keep control over your pricing and finances and study with on-demand booking reports. It is a robust and cost-effective solution for tour operators who can easily manage customers and travel agents, create packages, manage accounts and keep complete check on your travel business. You can easily centralize your operations and provide the customers an amazing booking experience.

Why partner with us ?

  • BDSPAY AEPS is a platform to provide unbiased access to opportunities.
  • We provide the best technological know-how to promote entrepreneurship.
  • We help develop a recurring earning potential.
  • We enable people to become self reliant even with minimal skill set.
  • We help maintain of work/home balance.
  • We offer a zero stress work environment.
  • We help you become your own Boss.

What sets us apart?

  • Immediate on boarding
  • Quick service delivery
  • All device compatibility
  • Web & Mobile App based service transactions
  • Real time commission payout
  • Our tailor-made business plans
  • Our urban & rural existence

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